paco Home>ernst>【お知らせ】非営利型移転における国家の役割の諸相
Keynote Lecture
13:00 Opening Ceremony
13:05 Keynote: "Empowering Non-Profit Transfers by the State" (高木光・京都大学大学院法学研究科教授)
Panel 1: Aspects of Financial Transfers into the State
13:30 "Taxation without Redistribution" (岡村忠生・京都大学大学院法学研究科教授)
14:05 "Empowering Non-Profit Public Services in the Water Sector" (Prof. Dr. Silke Ruth Laskowski, Universität Kassel)
Panel 2: Aspects of Financial Distribution by the State
15:30 "Constitutionalizing and De-Constitutionalizing Distribution: The Welfare State in German Public Law" (Wiss. Ass. Dr. Florian Meinel, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
16:05 "Redistribution in the Globalized Policy-Making and Enforcement Process" (原田大樹・京都大学大学院法学研究科教授)
16:40 Comment
Panel 3: Changes of the State in Redistribution
13:05 "Essential Roles of the Nation State in Redistribution" (Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Röhl, Universität Konstanz)
13:40 "The Potential of Monetary Instruments in Improving Public Services" (Prof. Dr. Monika Böhm, Universität Marburg)
14:15 "Redistribution by Public Sectors and the Change of the Public Law in Japan" (毛利透・京都大学大学院法学研究科教授)
15:30 Discussion
2014.09.24 | Comments(0) | Trackback(0)
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